About the Conference

Inspired innovation is essential for continuously delivering value to our customers through enhancing customer engagement, experience, generating new revenue streams and improving the quality of service to our customers. Inspiring one another is thus essential for improving the tools and technology which we use in our everyday life at lightning pace. Sure, any innovation may […]

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Anita Romanová
Dean of the Faculty of Business Management University of Economics in Bratislava
Adam Pagáč
Chief of software development PosAm
Lukáš Richter
Process improvement consultant
Slavomír Pšenák
CTO, BoD member O2 Slovakia
Pavol Holbík
Head of Training services Omnicom
Eddy Peters
President of chapter itSMF Belgium
Juraj Tlstý
Head of Shared IT Services Slovenská sporiteľňa
Aleš Špidla
Cyber security expert CEVRO College
Dave Snowden
Director & Founder The Cynefin Centre
Mark Smalley
Writer & coach Smalley.IT
Adela Jasenovcová
LinkedIn strategist & content specialist
Rob Akershoek
IT Management & DevOps architect DXC
Martin Vitouš
Strategist, consultant, trainer, mentor, coach & facilitator | DASA Ambassador ict-123.com | itSMF Czech Republic
Dragana Smolović
Head of HR and Organization VÚB Banka
Jakub Červeň
Machine Learning Engineer VÚB Banka
Roman Zhuravlev
ITIL Senior Architect PeopleCert
Martin Kasík
Head of IT Consulting IXPERTA


October 23, 2024 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Conference

Event registration

October 23, 2024 12:45 pm - 1:00 pm Conference

Opening (SK, EN)

Igor Dimitrovič itSMF Slovakia

October 23, 2024 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm ITIL & Digital workflows

Digital product and service management: the past, the present, and the future (EN)

In 2024, ITIL architects’ team has been working on practical guidance for understanding and improving an operating model of a modern digital organization. Based on the ITIL service value chain and the good practices of flow engineering, a team of ITSM experts has created a simple, practical, and accessible guidance for bringing digital product and service management closer together. In this presentation, Roman will share the latest news from the very heart of ITIL development and answer your questions.

Roman Zhuravlev ITIL Senior Architect / PeopleCert

The missing piece: Creating an Architecture for IT Service Management (EN)

Many organizations are transforming their IT operating model introducing new ways of working (such as DevOps and agile development) as well as modernizing the IT management tool chain. However most often transformations fail due to the absence of a holistic SERVICE MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE. As a result, the end-to-end service value chain is very sub-optimal consisting of fragmented IT processes, siloed IT management tools and disconnected teams (and vendors). IT service management is a complex system consisting of many processes, practices and tools. To be successful an ITSM architecture is needed. An architecture that guides how all the various pieces in the service value chain need to be connected to optimize end-to-end IT value streams; and to standardize, simplify and automate end-to-end workflows. To enable teams to deliver better value sooner, safer and with lower costs, resulting in happier people working in an environment with less friction. Learn how to create a service management architecture that can be used to assess your current state, define the target state architecture (combining DevOps, ITIL and Agile Development), and define a transformation roadmap to mature your digital management capability.

Rob Akershoek IT Management & DevOps architect / DXC
October 23, 2024 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm People motivation

Tell me your story (SK)

Adela examines the art of storytelling and its impact on personal branding on LinkedIn. She uses engaging examples and practical tips to show how to create narratives that highlight your unique experience and skillset. Adela believes that „storytelling is the new storyselling" and she explains how mastering storytelling can help professionals stand out and improve their presence on this important platform.

Adela Jasenovcová LinkedIn strategist & content specialist
October 23, 2024 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Security Cybersecurity

Cyber and information security management = corporate governance? Yes or no? (CZ)

It's high time we stopped seeing cyber and information security as a discipline that is enjoyed by a few oddballs who have been given the smallest office and bought toys that only they understand. Managing cyber and information security is an integral part of running a business. Why do I think that? Why do I know that? I'll tell you in my talk.

Aleš Špidla Cyber security expert / CEVRO College
October 23, 2024 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Conference

Coffee Break

October 23, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Customer experience (CX) – Business innovation

Time, your most precious resource (EN)

Time has always been used to make sure we deliver. We have mechanisms in place to help achieve that, like priorities, SLA’s, OLA’s… We have learned to maximize the time available by filling it with work that matters. But can we keep the same approach when we focus on value, embrace co-creation, be agile in service management? My statement: ‘It is no longer effective if you really want to connect with your customers and their experience journey.’ To realize that ambition, you have to make time! I will share my findings how we need to look at time as a resource for driving operations in a changing world.

Eddy Peters President of chapter / itSMF Belgium
October 23, 2024 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Enterprise service management (ESM)

Orchestration in field service management: when algorithmization is not enough (SK)

For ČEZ Distribuce, we created one of the region's largest solutions for managing workers' performance in the field. Approximately 2,000 technicians and 250 dispatchers work with the system every day. The system allowed the processing of more than 2.5 million work orders per year. The scope of the work requires a transition from algorithmization to optimization methods with elements of artificial intelligence, considering dozens of criteria in dispatching or automatic work assignments.

Adam Pagáč Chief of software development / PosAm
October 23, 2024 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm Conference

Panel discussion (EN)

Dave Snowden Director & Founder / The Cynefin Centre
Eddy Peters President of chapter / itSMF Belgium
Mark Smalley Writer & coach / Smalley.IT
Rob Akershoek IT Management & DevOps architect / DXC
Roman Zhuravlev ITIL Senior Architect / PeopleCert
October 23, 2024 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Networking

Networking (RSVP)

Outlook Bar & Lounge, Lindner Hotel Gallery Central, Metodova 4, 821 08 Bratislava

October 24, 2024 8:45 am - 9:00 am Conference

Opening (SK, EN)

Igor Dimitrovič itSMF Slovakia

October 24, 2024 9:00 am - 9:30 am Digital value stream & XLA

Let your curiosity and compassion inspire you (EN)

Curiosity triggers inspiration – what do you look at and what do your individual biases see? Seeing the bigger picture helps you understand and explain your environment, and I’ll share my best “digital value stream” framework so far. How do your IT efforts translate into business value? I’ll quote from my books Reflections on Product to Value and Are you digitally “done”? and show you where you can create value potential, and where you can only minimize value leakage. What can you learn from other disciplines? I’ll highlight what we adopted from Agile, DevOps and Lean in ITIL 4 High-velocity IT. Compassion triggers action – empathy gets you halfway there. Inspired by the Richard Cook, I’ll encourage you to leave the “system as imagined” from time to time and visit the “system as found”. This is where you can beat ChatGPT. You should also step out of old SLAs and into scary XLAs where it’s about human experience and business impact – I wrote about it in the XLA Handbook and Reflections on XLA. Inspired by Dave Snowden’s Cynefin framework, I’ll suggest that you assess the nature of the “system” so that you know how to act. Inspired by Taichi Ohno, I’ll remind you that you have to face your own difficulties and think for yourself. In the end, inspired innovation and improvement is about your collective desire and ability to care.

Mark Smalley Writer & coach / Smalley.IT
October 24, 2024 9:30 am - 10:00 am Value demonstartion

Enhancing efficiency: Real-world applications of Value Stream Management and waste elimination (SK/EN)

This presentation delves into the principles of Value Stream Management (VSM), supported by real-world examples. Through few case studies, we highlight how organizations have successfully identified waste within their value streams and implemented effective strategies to eliminate it. The presentation concludes with a summary of key findings and practical recommendations for applying VSM to achieve continuous improvement and operational excellence.

Pavol Holbík Head of Training services / Omnicom
October 24, 2024 10:00 am - 10:30 am Enterprise service management & Digital workflows

Digitization and Process Improvement (SK)

Digitization of processes is failing in many companies. The choice of solution and method of implementation should be based on the correct assignment. It should make business sense and be designed by process specialists. This presentation will focus on process improvement using LEAN and QRM. It will highlight various aspects of process improvement projects through case studies. Each company and its processes are specific. The form of the project and the choice of methods should correspond to this. The presentation will also include a demonstration of a new method - Holistic examination of information logistics in processes. Created maps and practical recommendations will be presented.

Lukáš Richter Process improvement consultant
October 24, 2024 10:30 am - 11:00 am Conference

Coffee Break

October 24, 2024 11:00 am - 11:30 am Transformation

Successful Organizational Transformation: Key Factors and Strategies (SK/EN)

Organizational transformation is a continuous process of adaptation and learning. It requires technological foundations, goals flexibility, people integration, and thoughtful leadership strategies. Organizational transformation is a complex process that requires solid technological foundations. It takes a long period during which the organization’s goals may change. Although the direction of the transformation remains the same, the goals may shift depending on the organization’s maturity. Integrating people with various skill sets and introducing new roles is essential. This ensures that the organization has the necessary capabilities to handle the transformation. A consistent leader can provide continuity and stability, while a rotating role can bring new perspectives.

Juraj Tlstý Head of Shared IT Services / Slovenská sporiteľňa
October 24, 2024 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Digital transformation - Business innovation

Empowering Digital Transformation with Low-Code Solutions (CZ/EN)

As digital transformation reshapes industries, IT departments face the challenge of delivering innovative solutions quickly and efficiently. This presentation delves into the growing role of low-code platforms in driving digital transformation across organizations. We'll explore how low-code solutions enable rapid application development, foster collaboration between business and IT teams, and enhance operational agility. By leveraging these platforms, management can accelerate innovation, reduce development costs, and stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

Martin Kasík Head of IT Consulting / IXPERTA
October 24, 2024 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Value demonstartion

Systematic delivery of value. Really? (CZ/EN)

One of the biggest problems I run into is the perception of IT as a cost center and not someone who can bring value to the company. To change this, we need to be able to identify what we deliver (IT services and products), what business processes we support and how, but most importantly we need to be able to deliver that value in a systematic, predictable, and measurable way. We simply need our IT assembly line. Let's think about how to build one.

Martin Vitouš Strategist, consultant, trainer, mentor, coach & facilitator | DASA Ambassador / ict-123.com | itSMF Czech Republic
October 24, 2024 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Conference


October 24, 2024 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Risk management & Business innovation

Managing risk in an age of inherent uncertainty (EN)

Too often, people focus on aspirational and unachievable goals and ignore the realities of the current state of affairs. Service users become indifferent to promises that come too close to platitudes and don't reflect their experience. Change programs promise transformation miracles and create cynicism in those subject to them; in this presentation, the creator of the Cynefin Framework will take people through an open-source method (Estuarine mapping) to identify what the current dispositional state will allow together with a range of actions to change that state so the cost and risk of change can be radically reduced. This will be linked to new ways of measuring attitudes in both staff and customers that give lead indicators of issues. Lead indicators allow lower-cost interventions based on weak signals before the issue becomes problematic. That also involves radical new approaches to distributing decision-making and removing bureaucracy.

Dave Snowden Director & Founder / The Cynefin Centre
October 24, 2024 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Artificial intelligence (AI) - Machine learning

From Vision to Value: Talent & AI Driving the Culture of Innovation (SK)

In this session we will discuss how we built upon company talent working on innovative topics such as AI to kickstart innovation culture. We will explore how an idea transformed into value delivery and how this was built upon to elevate new talents within the company.

Dragana Smolović Head of HR and Organization / VÚB Banka
Jakub Červeň Machine Learning Engineer / VÚB Banka
October 24, 2024 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Digital transformation - Business innovation

Case Study on Restructuralization of Platforms Tribe: Navigating Digital Transformation (SK/EN)

This case study examines the critical process of restructuring a Platforms tribe within our organization. It highlights the delicate balance between technological innovation and organizational change required to meet evolving business needs and market demands. The restructuring involves redefining roles, realigning teams, and reshaping processes to enhance efficiency and agility. Key elements include integrating diverse skill sets and introducing new teams to drive innovation and support digital initiatives. Leadership plays a crucial role, providing consistent guidance while fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This case study demonstrates how effective restructuring of a Platforms tribe can significantly contribute to an organization's overall digital transformation journey.

Slavomír Pšenák CTO, BoD member / O2 Slovakia
October 24, 2024 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Conference

Coffee Break

October 24, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm ITSM Youth - Education & Study

Information Technology in Economic and Management Study Programmes (SK)

The presentation focuses on comparing the curriculum design of IT-related courses in study programmes that emphasize economics and business management. It further explains the principles of current accreditation standards and introduces the study programmes at the Faculty of Business Management, detailing their development and the story behind the creation of the "Information Management" specialisation. The presentation concludes by introducing the concept of collaboration with businesses through elective courses, which are offered under the auspices of and delivered by selected companies.

Anita Romanová Dean of the Faculty of Business Management / University of Economics in Bratislava
October 24, 2024 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Conference

Panel discussion (SK/CZ)

Anita Romanová Dean of the Faculty of Business Management / University of Economics in Bratislava
Lukáš Richter Process improvement consultant
Martin Kasík Head of IT Consulting / IXPERTA
Martin Vitouš Strategist, consultant, trainer, mentor, coach & facilitator | DASA Ambassador / ict-123.com | itSMF Czech Republic
Pavol Holbík Head of Training services / Omnicom
October 24, 2024 4:45 pm - 5:00 pm Conference

Closing (SK, EN)

Igor Dimitrovič itSMF Slovakia

Lindner Hotel Gallery Central

Metodova 4, 821 08 Bratislava


Igor Dimitrovič
Igor Dimitrovič

ITSM Specialist at Slovenská sporiteľňa, Chairman Of The Board at itSMF Slovensko

Iveta Petrovič
Iveta Petrovič

Regional Director at CFI, Member Of The Board at itSMF Slovensko

Tatiana Červenková
Tatiana Červenková

Product owner of ITSM tool at ESET

Lucia Široká
Lucia Široká

Back Office Specialist at Softec, itSMF Slovakia Administration

Martin Podhajský
Martin Podhajský

Making Knowledge available at VÚB Banka, Member Of The Board at itSMF Slovensko

Pavol Holbík
Pavol Holbík

Head of training services at omnicom, Member Of The Board at itSMF Slovensko

Martin Lacko
Martin Lacko

Head of IT Change management in Slovenská sporiteľňa, Member of the Supervisory Board at itSMF Slovakia