The missing piece: Creating an Architecture for IT Service Management (EN)

Rob Akershoek IT Management & DevOps architect /DXC

Many organizations are transforming their IT operating model introducing new ways of working (such as DevOps and agile development) as well as modernizing the IT management tool chain.

However most often transformations fail due to the absence of a holistic SERVICE MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURE. As a result, the end-to-end service value chain is very sub-optimal consisting of fragmented IT processes, siloed IT management tools and disconnected teams (and vendors).

IT service management is a complex system consisting of many processes, practices and tools. To be successful an ITSM architecture is needed. An architecture that guides how all the various pieces in the service value chain need to be connected to optimize end-to-end IT value streams; and to standardize, simplify and automate end-to-end workflows. To enable teams to deliver better value sooner, safer and with lower costs, resulting in happier people working in an environment with less friction.

Learn how to create a service management architecture that can be used to assess your current state, define the target state architecture (combining DevOps, ITIL and Agile Development), and define a transformation roadmap to mature your digital management capability.