Managing risk in an age of inherent uncertainty (EN)

Dave Snowden Director & Founder /The Cynefin Centre

Too often, people focus on aspirational and unachievable goals and ignore the realities of the current state of affairs. Service users become indifferent to promises that come too close to platitudes and don’t reflect their experience. Change programs promise transformation miracles and create cynicism in those subject to them; in this presentation, the creator of the Cynefin Framework will take people through an open-source method (Estuarine mapping) to identify what the current dispositional state will allow together with a range of actions to change that state so the cost and risk of change can be radically reduced. This will be linked to new ways of measuring attitudes in both staff and customers that give lead indicators of issues. Lead indicators allow lower-cost interventions based on weak signals before the issue becomes problematic. That also involves radical new approaches to distributing decision-making and removing bureaucracy.