Petra Kotuliaková
- Aj Ty v IT
- https://ajtyvit.sk/
Founder and CEO of the Slovak NGO “AJ Ty v IT” (“You in IT, also”), Deputy Chair of the DiversIT Charter Working group of the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies in Brussels and member of the Board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia. Petra is actively involved in education and the transformation of education in Slovakia. She is a Female Role Model of the Year 2018 in Slovakia, awarded by CESA Award and the winner of the Women in TECH Inclusion Award 2020, awarded by the Department of International Trade of the British Embassy, challenging and empowering young girls and women into TECH fields.
The organization, which she founded in 2012, is a key player in women’s IT education in Slovakia. Aj Ty v IT actively supports, educates, and empowers girls from the age of 8 to adult women in the field of technology. For 11 years, the organization has trained more than 34 000 female participants in various IT topics and increased the number of female students at IT faculties from 3% to 17%.
Petra holds a PhD. from the University of Economics in Bratislava, having previously studied at the Université Pierre Mendés France Grenoble and the Institute des Études politiques Paris.
Panel discussion (EN)
Pavol Holbík
itSMF Slovakia -
How to attract and retain female tech talent (SK)
The shortage of women in tech positions is becoming critical, both in Slovakia and globally. What are the barriers for them to enter the tech field? How can we change the status quo when the tech sector is considered to be male-dominated and therefore not welcoming for women. The speaker will present data from the […]