The beginning of the turbulent 2020s recalled its “roaring” predecessor with unprecedented digital progress and brought digital businesses to the forefront. 2022 is the year to further build on this momentum to enhance customer engagement, experience, generate new revenue and serve our customers.
itSMF Slovakia, a leader in the world of IT Service Management in CEE, is organizing the 16th annual IT Service Management conference which addresses the need to “Be Inspired” to hold and strengthen the forward trend in innovation and value as an inspiration for all the business stakeholders who face the challenges of the current times.
Share your achievements, falls and inspire each other. Let’s decide for meaningful changes and push the best ideas forward, as that is the very essence of inspired progress. While we build the full IT Service Management Conference 2022 agenda, explore the conference topics:
- Business innovation – Customer experience
- People motivation – Employee experience
- Digital transformation
- Advanced ITSM – Enterprise service management
- ITIL 4 – Agile – DevOps
- Automation – Robotic process automation
- Machine learning – Artificial intelligence
- Security – Cybersecurity
- Software development and support
Whether you are a CEO, service manager, IT professional, customer, or simply an employee in the technology field, attending our conference can help you to stay current on the latest trends and up-to-date on the newest information, innovations and technologies. No matter which one of these topics you choose, you are guaranteed to walk away with increased personal and professional growth.
We value diversity, and welcome professionals with varying backgrounds and experiences because we want you to “Be Inspired“.